Cisco ios xe punt rx forus addr reso ctrl
Cisco ios xe punt rx forus addr reso ctrl

cisco ios xe punt rx forus addr reso ctrl cisco ios xe punt rx forus addr reso ctrl cisco ios xe punt rx forus addr reso ctrl

The process is enabled when the user enables the LISP feature and configures LISP functions. The LISP control plane software is a conditional feature running on NX-OS. This section focuses on the LISP architecture on IOS-XR and NX-OS platforms as there are various software components that work together to provide the LISP functionality. On IOS/IOS-XE platforms, the LISP control plane functionality is maintained by the LISP control process, which works in conjunction with RIB and Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) to provide the forwarding architecture for LISP. The Cisco IOS/IOS-XE software does not have a distributed architecture similar to that of IOS-XR or NX-OS. For information on LISP features and hardware and software support, see.

Cisco ios xe punt rx forus addr reso ctrl